Nov 3, 2011

Opera Mini 6.5 Available for Java,Android, Symbian,Blackberry and iOS

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Opera Software released the Opera Mini browser in version 6.5 for iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry, Symbian S60 and Java-enabled phones.

With Opera Mini, the cost-saving compression is always turned on. There are computers located in locations such as Iceland that squeeze the webpages down before sending them in smaller (and thereby cheaper) packages to your phone. This also enables less-capable feature phones to view full webpages, where the built-in browser can’t.

New Features in Opera Mini 6.5 Java:
★ Added star bookmark in URL (Touchscreen devices only)
★ Opera Mini 6.5 Data Usage
★ Improved handling of Saved Pages when upgrading client
★ Fixed various stability and performance issues
★ Added Data Usage view
 Added protocol setting in advanced options 

New Features in Opera Mini 6.5 Symbian S60:
Added support for system bookmarks 
Added support for Symbian Status Bar, Notification Bar
Added protocol setting in advanced options
Added Data Usage view
Added star bookmark in URL 
Added crash logger
Added share pages through email 
Fixed various stability and performance issues
Improved compression with WebP instead of JPEG images

New Features in Opera Mini version 6.5:
Added decoding of WebP images received from Opera Mini servers
Added Data Usage view
Added save bookmarks to Home Screen
Added import of system bookmarks
Fixed UI refreshing problems on Honeycomb
Reintroduced Protocol setting

New Features in Opera Mini 6.5 Blackberry:
Added multitouch support. 
Added star bookmark in URL (Touchscreen devices only)
Added protocol setting in advanced options
Added Data Usage view
Fixed various stability and performance issues
Improved handling of Saved Pages when upgrading client
New Features in Opera Mini 6.5 iOS:
Added support for Google AutoComplete
Added search directly from the address bar
Added intelligent domain suggest which suggests your most used domain endings
Added support for country domain auto-complete such as .ru or .id
Added share by email
Added Data Usage view
Added support for auto-correct and spell-check
Added star in the URL field to add bookmark
Fixed various stability and performance issues
Improved text selection
Improved compression with WebP instead of JPEG images

Opera Mini 6.5.sisx  (S60 v3-v5 and S^3)
Opera Mini 6.5.sis  (S60 v2)
Opera Mini 6.5.apk  (Android)
Opera Mini 6.5 iOS  (iPhone, iPod and iPad)

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